SPECIAL NOTICE: As part of RAND's sponsorship, INFER will now be the RAND Forecasting Initiative (RFI). Rebranding will be in progress over the next couple days.

Using Crowd Forecasting to Inform Policy w/ CSET Founding Director Jason Matheny


Monday, October 19, 2020

2:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern


You are invited to the first in our webinar series, Foretell In Conversation, featuring CSET Founding Director Jason Matheny as he discusses how Foretell, CSET’s crowd forecasting platform, will be used to extract information about future critical technology and security trends to inform policy.

This event is open to the general public.

About the Speaker

Jason Matheny is Founding Director of Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET). Previously he was Assistant Director of National Intelligence, and Director of IARPA, responsible for the development of breakthrough technologies for the U.S. intelligence community. Before IARPA, he worked at Oxford University, the World Bank, the Applied Physics Laboratory, the Center for Biosecurity, and Princeton University, and was the co-founder of two biotechnology companies.

About CSET-Foretell

Foretell is a crowd forecasting project sponsored by CSET that aims to inform policy by monitoring future trends in the technology-security landscape. For example, by 2025, will U.S.-China tensions have subsided or escalated? Metrics to monitor this scenario are posed as forecasting questions and might include trade and immigration levels or the probability of conflict in the South China Sea. Foretell is a tool for tracking, analyzing, and forecasting such metrics of interest.

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About the Center for Security and Emerging Technology

A policy research organization within Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service, CSET produces data-driven research at the intersection of security and technology, providing nonpartisan analysis to the policy community. CSET is currently focusing on the effects of progress in artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced computing. We seek to prepare a new generation of decision-makers to address the challenges and opportunities of emerging technologies.

About Cultivate Labs

CSET is partnering with Cultivate Labs to scale and manage Foretell. Cultivate is based in Chicago, IL and supports crowd forecasting efforts through technology and professional services for governments and private organizations around the world. Cultivate’s mission is to “guide organization’s most critical decisions by uncovering ground truth about the future.”

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